The Rebalancing of Global Power Lines: Is the Age of Eurasia Here?


18:00 - 19:30


Bookings closed


Scruton Salon
Andrássy út 6. 1. emelet, Budapest , Pest , 1061

Event Type

Map Unavailable

The geopolitical and economic maps have undergone significant transformations in recent decades. The shift in global power centres, the redrawing of trade routes and the strengthening of political and economic relations between European and East Asian countries mark the dawn of an era in which Eurasia could become a prominent player.

The aim of the event is for participants to discuss in a panel discussion how the new geopolitical order is taking shape and what challenges and opportunities lie in the diplomatic and economic cooperation linking Europe and East Asia. The panel will analyze the background of the deepening relations between the two regions, economic and political integrations, and new diplomatic strategies.

What role will Eurasia play on the global political and economic map of the future? How will cooperation between East Asian and European countries shape the international order?

These questions will be discussed by our invited speakers:

  • Dr. Erik Hendricks, Dutch sociologist, China expert, visiting researcher at the Danube Institute,
  • Márton Ugrósdy, Deputy State Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office, and
  • Levente Horváth, Director of the Eurasia Center.
  • Mariann Őry, Deputy editor-in-chief at Eurasia Magazine

Location: 1061 Budapest, Andrássy Street 6. 1. emelet – Scruton Salon
Date: Monday, February 10, 2024, 18:00

The event is free, but due to the limited number of seats, please register in advance!
Places are reserved on a ‘first-come, first-served basis’. We ask our guests to arrive 10-15 minutes before the start of the program!
Picture and audio recordings are made during the event which we may use for advertising and documentation purposes!
If you have any questions or if you cannot attend the event, please write to us at!


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