Scruton Pelso - közösségi tér a Balaton parton
Vibrant summer

Scruton Pelso:
easy summer concerts
and cultural experiences
on the coast of Balaton

Welcome to the world of Scruton Pelso, where easy summer concerts and inspirational conversations. Thanks to the success of its Budapest counterparts, we can also enjoy the lively Scruton-quality events on the coast of Balaton as well.

Cozy atmosphere and varied events

Scruton Pelso, - with its refined interior and garden space - is home to numerous cultural events. We create a unqiue atmosphere on our cult-boat on the waters of Balaton. This location is perfect for those who want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. Everything is provided for relaxation: coast, nature, and delicious food and drink.

Cultural events and idyllic relaxation

Scruton Pelso is not only ideal for people who enjoy easy summer concerts and inspirational conversations, but for those who want to have a good cup of coffee or a romantic dinner as well. The atmosphere of the Balaton-coast guarantees a satisfying and relaxing atmosphere.

Enjoy the magic of the coast of Balaton and the cultural bustle

Scruton Pelso is and ideal location for people who want to enjoy the nature and the bustle of Balaton. Discover the numerus cultural events, while enjoying the beautiful view to the lake. Easy musical feeling, artistic exhibitions and interesting conversations make this place truly exciting.

Come join us and enjoy the easy summer concerts, the cultural experiences and the magic of Balaton. Make your summer unforgettable in the company of Scruton Pelso!


Events at Scruton Pelso

You can find our upcoming events here. For additional events, check our calendar or check out our Events page.
  • No events
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25 Feb 25
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There is no better way to observe the Balaton and its wildlife than from the closeness of a boat. Cathy, our electronic boat is perfect for such occasions.

Cathy is named after Alexandriai Szent Katalin, who was the guardian of philosophy, librarians and students.

Míg a parton kulturális, irodalmi beszélgetések és zenés események kerülnek megrendezésre, addig a kult-hajónkon lehetőség nyílik a lemenő nap fényében kihajózni ornitológusainkkal és a fedélzeten megismerkedni a balatoni élővilággal. 

Részt vehettek hajókiránduláson, ahol a magyaros ízek, a frizzante, és a természet közelsége garantálja a felejthetetlen élményeket. 

Our boat, along with our captain is available to rent.

Scruton Pelso - közösségi tér a Balaton parton - Kult-hajó


The reservation service to Scruton is available to all of our guests. When you enter the restaurant, you can immediately feel the cozy atmosphere. The elegant interior, the modern details, the service and the gastronomical experience all provide an unforgettable dining escapade.

You can reserve a table, so you don’t have to worry about our restaurants being full. Reserving a table also means faster service, since we will be fully prepared to elegantly and efficiently service your tables. You can gather, have conversations, laugh and enjoy our delicious food and drink selections together.

    You can find Scruton Pelso here


    You can reach us by carif you take the exit from 71. főút to Halász út, and by crossing the railway and turning left. The parking garage is located at the end of Halász út.

    You can reach us on foot via the train station. 

    Opening hours

    Átmenetileg zárva.