Scruton - Az értékalkotó közösségi tér
Scruton - az értékalkotó közösségi tér / We are the place
In the heart of Budapest

Scruton Belváros:
a classic meeting place

Scruton Belváros is located in the 5th districtof Budapest, in Zoltán utca, in the midst of the beautiful nature of Szabadság tér and the Danube. This special community space brings out the best of both classicism and contemporary architecture. Szabadság tér gyönyörű környezetében található igazán különleges közösségi hely, mely a klasszicista miliő és a kortárs belsőépítészeti enteriőr tökéletes ötvözetét kínálja.

The building’s placement offers a wonderful opportunity for guests to discover the nearby fauna and enjoy the benefits of being close to the Danube, or to take a walk around the Parliament. This is not only beautiful, but its inspirational and functional.

Unique interior and design

The unique interior elements, such as the high ceilings and modern design items, form a harmony around each other, creating a cozy atmosphere.

Ideal meeting place

The Scruton Belváros Community space guarantees and atmosphere perfect form business meetings, friendly discussions, and intellectual conversations. Our comfortable chairs and tables are ideal for interactive discussions and meetings that inspire creative thinking.

Scruton Belváros – the community space for you

The food and drink selection at Scruton Belváros guarantees that your meetings will be memorable. We welcome you to have an unforgettable experience at Scruton!


Events at Scruton Belváros

Check out our community-building and experience-rich events!
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19:00 - 20:30
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Events on 2023.11.08.
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Whiskey Blues Club
16 Nov 23
Events on 2023.11.17.
Events on 2023.11.21.

Reserveable spaces

Scruton café guest area

This space is suitable for family and corporate gatherings, business breakfasts and the conducting of small events.

Meeting room

The upper floor of the café has a meeting room that is suitable for business meetings, interviews, or educational gatherings. The room has AC and a useable monitor.

Scruton Belváros az értékalkotó közösségi tér


The gallery in the café’s area is suitable for friendly gatherings, or a welcoming space for smaller events. It can be opened to the meeting room, thus creating a multifunctional space.


The auditorium is located in the basement, and can be used for a wide array of functions, thanks to its equipment. The space is suitable for conducting any kind of events, from workshops to conferences..



The reservation service to Scruton is available to all of our guests. When you enter the restaurant, you can immediately feel the cozy atmosphere. The elegant interior, the modern details, the service and the gastronomical experience all provide an unforgettable dining escapade.

You can reserve a table, so you don’t have to worry about our restaurants being full. Reserving a table also means faster service, since we will be fully prepared to elegantly and efficiently service your tables. You can gather, have conversations, laugh and enjoy our delicious food and drink selections together.

    You can find Scruton Belváros here


    We are easily approachable via the Kossuth tér (M3) or Arany János utca (M2) metro stops, or via trolley (70,78) or tram (2). The parking options are either via the street, or parking garages (Lipót Mélygarázs, Bank Center Mélygarázs).

    Metro: M2, M3

    Trolley: 70, 78

    Tram: 2

    Mol bubi: Vécsey utca, Akadémia

    Parking: street parking (fee required)

    Lipót Mélygarázs Bank Center Mélygarázs

    Opening hours

    Hétfő-Péntek: 11:00 – 21:00

    Saturday: Closed

    Sunday: Closed